The Corley's

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Details

OK I finally have some more info about Olivia. When she was found at about a day old she was 7.7 lbs & 22 inches long. As of July she was 15.4 lbs & 24 inches. Her care takers say she is very easy going & quiet. She only cries when wet or hungry. She likes to eat, in fact she already eats more of a variety than her big sister does. And her favorite toy is her baby doll.

She is in a city called Lin Chung which is in the Hunan Province. We will be going to the capitol city of the Hunan Province which is called Chang Sha City, this is were we will receive the baby.

Hopefully we will have all of our travel info soon.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Big Sister

Well it's been an exciting couple of days. We should be recieving our package from the adoption agency today with all of the information about Olivia. I can't wait!

I wanted to share a picture of Olivia's very proud BIG SISTER Grace. She has been doing pretty well with all of the excitment and even had a little celebration in the backyard last night.

I just know that she will be a great sister.

Friday, September 21, 2007


After a very long wait, we have finally seen our baby daughters face. She was born on February 14th and her Chinese name is Lin Yan Xian. Jim & I should be traveling to China sometime in November to bring Olivia Lin home. We are all very excited!!