The Corley's

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Gotcha Day

Today is "Gotcha Day" (Got You Day) . We should have Olivia in a few hours then we get to start the hours of appointments and paperwork we need to bring her home. We are both very anxious.
(The view is from our hotel room on the 30th floor)

I took a walk around the city at about 7am. Chang Sha is the biggest city you never heard of, 6 million people. I walked through the streets as they went about starting their day it felt like they were all staring at me. I was the only Caucasian I saw on the entire 40 min walk. I was wearing a Reebok warm up suit. That's important as it is also the uniform of the local school children. No wonder I got strange stares, these folks just saw a 6ft, 40 year old bald guy going to school!

As I approached several of the large buildings I could hear music playing. When I got closer I could see dozens of couples, 50ish and older, dancing. Very interesting, what a fun way to start your day. And talk about places to eat, I think this has NYC beat in restaurants per square foot. Most are very small places but they are everywhere. For those of you wondering...I have been able to eat and have not begun depleting my stash of power bars, but it's still early in the trip. As I returned to the hotel I am greeted by what I can only describe as "Super Happy Welcome Guy" in a tux and tails..... save the questions, I'll devote an entire post to him later.
This place is very different from home, but I like it.
Just a few minutes until we go.....we love you Gracie, be home soon.


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