The Corley's

Monday, November 19, 2007

First night

Well, we finished the adoption paperwork with the Chinese gov't. It was weird being asked if we were happy with Olivia and if we wanted to keep her. She calmed down a bit.

On the way back from there we stopped at a supermarket called (I kid you not) Whacko Supermarket. Best described as a compacted 2 floor super Walmart. The prices were dirt cheap. The only place I've ever seen to pick up tomato or cucumber flavored Pringles.
The meat section was interesting, smelled funny. We heard some yelling, I think a fight broke out over some beef intestines that went on sale. I tried to avoid the melee as I did not want to have to explain to anyone how I got beat up by a 4ft Chinese woman over some cow guts.

Back at the hotel.... the only way we could get Olivia to sleep was to turn laps on our floor of the hotel in the stroller. I think I wore a hole in the carpet. Every time I stopped I would get yelled at. (great, now I have two good looking stubborn daughters) She finally ate and slept some. Here temp is up a bit and she is pulling at her ears. We'll try to see a Dr. in the morning. We're not sure if it's one of the 3-4 teeth she is cutting or an ear infection. She's sleeping now in a pair of Grace's old PJ's, she looks adorable, just like Grace.


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